Treatment Centers by City
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- Telluride
- USAF Academy
- Winter Park
- Acacia Counseling Inc
- Acacia Counseling Inc
is located at 11811 Upham Street Broomfield, CO. 80020 and can be contacted by calling 303-438-9730. Acacia Counseling Inc offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, DUI - DWI Offenders, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Options: Self Pay
- Contact Us
- In a study of parents who significantly maltreat their children, alcohol abuse was specifically associated with physical abuse.
- Research has suggested that some people consume alcohol to relieve feelings of stress.
- When a person has a blood alcohol level of 0.36% or above, they could be in danger of overdosing; the person would, in most instances, have to drink anywhere from 13-19 drinks in a rather brief period of time for an overdose to occur.
- Youth who drink alcohol are more likely to experience physical problems, such as hangovers or illnesses.
For more information, visit