Treatment Centers by City
- Denver
- Aurora
- Colorado Springs
- Pueblo
- Grand Junction
- Greeley
- Fort Collins
- Englewood
- Boulder
- Littleton
- Longmont
- Commerce City
- Loveland
- Wheat Ridge
- Durango
- Parker
- Westminster
- Alamosa
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Glenwood Springs
- Canon City
- Carbondale
- Cortez
- Craig
- Fort Morgan
- La Junta
- Lafayette
- Steamboat Springs
- Burlington
- Castle Rock
- Delta
- Eagle
- Estes Park
- Granby
- Lamar
- Las Animas
- Leadville
- Rifle
- Salida
- Sterling
- Trinidad
- Woodland Park
- Akron
- Antonito
- Arvada
- Aspen
- Buena Vista
- Center
- Elizabeth
- Fort Lupton
- Frederick
- Frisco
- Gunnison
- Holyoke
- Idaho Springs
- Julesburg
- La Jara
- Limon
- Monte Vista
- Montrose
- Norwood
- Ordway
- Rangely
- San Luis
- Springfield
- Vail
- Walden
- Walsenburg
- Windsor
- Wray
- Yuma
- Bailey
- Cheyenne Wells
- Conifer
- Crested Butte
- Cripple Creek
- Dacono
- Edwards
- Fairplay
- Golden
- Homelake
- Ignacio
- Johnstown
- Lone Tree
- Louisville
- Meeker
- Monument
- Pagosa Springs
- Palmer Lake
- Paonia
- Rocky Ford
- Telluride
- USAF Academy
- Winter Park
- Carbon Valley Office
- Carbon Valley Office
is located at 4943 Highway 52 Frederick, CO. 80530 and can be contacted by calling 303-857-2723. Carbon Valley Office offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- In 2009, 28.8 percent of high school sophomores admitted to consuming at least one alcoholic beverage in the 30 days.
- An estimated 5% of college students report experiencing poor mental health, coinciding with a high risk for alcohol abuse.
- According to current medical research, brain scan studies suggest that the brain anatomy of an individual who is recovering from an alcohol addiction can possibly begin the process of returning to normal within six months of abstinence; however, cognitive function has not always been reported to return when the brain scans appear normal.
- Children of parents who are addicted to alcohol are at high risk for elevated rates of psychiatric and psychosocial dysfunction, as well as for alcoholism
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